

It’s not something valued in our culture of work, business and production, and yet without it, the outputs of what are ” valued” fall, become stiff, and wither. At the school my children attend, play is something that has many different manifestations. One of my favorite terms I have heard while at meetings there is “deep in play.” There’s something so refreshing about hearing that my little ones are deep in play. As I learn more, I realize that play and becoming deep in play is something to aspire to integrating more consciously into my daily practice…. A person on the radio said that as an artist, he spends most of his time doing things that other people consider worthless, but that for him are critical parts of his process. I am becoming more and more convinced that is how I inhabit the world or how I play. In going out into places and seeing connections between art, ecology, history, etc. and making art, I push my understanding of who I am and what my story in relationship to the context of the place I inhabit is.

The images that follow are part of a series of spontaneous projects I have done over the past winter some with ice, others with snow…..I have really enjoyed the process of making them. Engaging my mind and my spirit in getting to understand the materials and the demands of the space has been my form of play to freshen my outlook and renew my energy in all regards.



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